Summer is here at last!

Hello everybody!

Gosh, this year is certainly flying by, although Spring seemed to take her time in arriving! It’s been such a treasure to enjoy some brighter, warmer days and the ponies are excited to be grazing sweet grass (not too much of it, mind!) in the sunshine.

I’ve been very busy these past few months, with lots of training on the go, in addition to my room-based and outdoor practices. I’m excited to announce these forthcoming events, which will give me the opportunity to share my learning to support your wellbeing and personal development.

Going through the menopause? You aren’t alone!

The Menopause Club Facebook community is attracting lots of interest, with new members signing up weekly.  Our next meet up is happening on Wednesday 5 June and we’ll be joined by Hannah from Santa Rosa Beauty clinic, to share her knowledge and tips for skincare. As oestrogen levels become depleted, skin loses its ability to retain ceramides, which lock in moisture. This can lead to redness and a loss of tone and elasticity. So, it’s even more important than ever to re-think our beauty routines!

For your physical and mental wellbeing, we have a walk taking place on Saturday 22 June, in the beautiful Wye Valley. If you fancy joining us at either (or both) of these events, we’d love to welcome you to the group.

Summer Solstice Workshop: Friday 21 June, 15:00 – 17:00

The longest day of the year will soon be upon us! There will still be lots of glorious sunshine to soak up, so it’s a good time to think about how you’d like to harness this fiery energy to help you reach your personal goals, before we start to shift into the seasons of letting go, longer nights and slowing down.

Our Summer Solstice Workshop on Friday 21 June will include some embodied practice and time with the ponies to help you gain clarity and inspiration to propel you further along your path. Places are limited, so don’t delay in booking your ticket, which you can do HERE.

We hope to see you all again soon. In the meantime, take good care of yourselves and make the most of the brighter days ahead.

Warmest regards

Julie, Macaroon and Biscotti xxx