September brings us a change in seasons as we transition to autumn. I love the golden hues which are beginning to show and I notice the pace of life beginning to soften after the busyness of Summer. I wonder how autumn feels for you?

This is a time to consider what we need to release, in order to make space for new possibilities. Whether you are feeling refreshed after a good holiday, or dragging yourself away from Summer, recognising your needs and preparing to care for them are a priority. What could you add to your self-care list? Making time for yourself shouldn’t be a luxury. You deserve to feel good about yourself and I am here to support you to do just that.


Give yourself a break and join the Club for a day of rest, nurturing and reflection. We have several activities planned, in this stunning venue in the Forest of Dean, including a women’s circle, wild swimming, forest bathing and a sound bath! Bookings close soon, so don’t delay in securing your place: Click here to book


I recently had someone come to spend time with the ponies to heal their heart, which was heavy with grief. It was a very moving experience to witness them standing close to the client and being present as they worked energetically. This was how the client described the experience: “I felt the one pony pulling away a lot of sadness from my heart, which looked to me like sand. I could feel such pure love and compassion flowing from her”.

No matter how many sessions I facilitate, I never cease to be amazed and humbled by the wisdom of equines and their gentle, yet powerful natures. Studies by the HeartMath Institute have identified that the human heart has a magnetic field which reaches 2-3 metres around the body. Horses’ hearts have a magnetic field which reaches five times that distance! It’s no wonder that we feel such a strong emotional connection with equines when we share their space.


In celebration of the next turning of the wheel, I will be holding a workshop on the afternoon of Friday 1 November. We will honour loved ones who have passed, in a ceremony of connection and release. Further details will be available on my Facebook page and in the next edition of our newsletter.


And finally, I have had some encouraging feedback from the workbook I created: “5 Steps to Free Yourself From Feeling Stuck in Midlife“. I am excited be launching an on-line course next month, which builds on the themes from my workbook, to help you live a life that’s attuned to your heart. Watch this space!

Very warm wishes for a super September. Crunch those leaves underfoot and get the hot chocolate out!

Julie, Macaroon & Biscotti x